Dr. Patrick Briney

Dr. Patrick Briney is an author, speaker, and teacher of practical Christianity worldwide. Blending professional training in science as a microbiologist and over forty years of ministry experience as a missionary/pastor, Dr. Briney offers practical teaching relevant for discipling others today. Dr. Briney has designed and led unique workshops on topics such as creation science, discipleship, leadership, and Biblical worldview. Over the years, he has helped thousands to develop and improve their understanding and skills in these and other areas.


The Nephilim

Who are the Nephilim? The Nephilim are claimed by some to be chimeras, a race of people that are human and angel. Chimeras are combined creatures of two different kinds. The word chimera derives from the transliterated Hebrew word for giants in Genesis 6:4. Some think that the giants mentioned in this verse cannot be

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Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Jesus is alive and well! Three days after Jesus Christ was unmercifully and shamefully crucified, He arose in triumph over death, hell, and the grave. It was a real event. First century letter confirms miracle during Christ’s crucifixion. Cornelius Tacitus (A.D. 52-54), a Roman historian and Governor of Asia, and son-in-law to Julius Agricola, wrote

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